Artistsmeet / Events / Tue 28 Jan 2020
Monoprinting for adults with Susan Erskine - Jones

Try something new this January, for the Hertfordshire Year of Culture!
Drawing a print - Line monoprinting with collage
Tuesday 28 January, 10am - 12.30pm
In this playful and experimental workshop, you’ll loosen up by making sketches of chosen subjects then using these as a basis to make drawings in ink - monoprints. Explore this further, incorporating collage as an integral part of the print.
Suitable for adults and those aged 16 + only
The cost is £7.50 and spaces must be booked online in advance.
For more information about Artistsmeet and our upcoming exhibitions and events, please contact the Arts Development Officer elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk or call 01923 776611
For more information visit http://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/art-events1
Event Location
High Street,
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: http://www.threeriversleisure.co.uk/art-events1