Artistsmeet / Events / Fri 03 to Wed 29 Sep 2021 (4 weeks)
Colour in Motion: J R Oatts

Colour in Motion
J R Oatts
3rd - 29th September 2021
Colour in Motion features artwork by Northwood-based artist J R Oatts.
The exhibition features in this year's Herts Visual Arts, Open Studios programme!
These colourful abstract works are inspired by the motion of natural forces, travel, self-expression and performance.
Bold visual statements depicting the power of the elements appear alongside the flamboyant feathers of exotic birds and dazzling showgirls, bringing an explosion of colour and movement to Artistsmeet.
Meet the artist
Come and meet J R Oatts to celebrate the start of Herts Visual Arts Open Studios.
Saturday 18th September 4-6pm at Artistsmeet. Everyone is welcome!
The gallery space opening hours are:
Monday, closed
Tuesday - Friday, 10am – 2pm
Saturday & Sunday, open for events only (please enquire with Box Office)
For more information about Artistsmeet and our upcoming exhibitions and events, please contact
Elaine Johnson, Arts Development Officer
elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk / 01923 776611
For more information visit https://www.watersmeet.co.uk/artistsmeet
Event Location
High Street,
Telephone: 01923 727 146
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: https://www.watersmeet.co.uk/artistsmeet