Artistsmeet / Events / Tue 09 Oct to Sat 03 Nov 2018 (4 weeks)
50th year exhibition: South West Herts Astronomical Society

South West Herts Astronomical Society - 50th Anniversary exhibition 2018
9th October - 3rd November
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Free entry
The South West Herts Astronomical Society are celebrating their 50th Anniversary year by showcasing a stunning collection of astronomical images, taken by society members.
The exhibition, displayed as a chronological time line of events in space and astronomy over the last 50 years, includes major milestones and notable
events in Space, linked in with South West Herts Astronomical Society’s own history.
It is anticipated that by bringing to focus the society’s new work, awareness of the group will increase and new members will be encouraged to join.
The Society was founded in 1968, with the aims of promoting the science of astronomy and encouraging popular interest in the subject.
For more information about Artistsmeet and our upcoming exhibitions and events, please contact Elaine Johnson, Arts Development Officer
elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk / 01923 776611
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet
Event Location
High Street,
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet