Anna Schofield / Events / Mon 15 Mar to Mon 26 Jul 2021 (4 months)
Craft & Chat

Join my craft and chat group on a Monday evening 7.30-9.00. Become part of this friendly community to support one another in our exploration of art and crafts. Bring along whatever project you are currently working on or just turn up and get inspired. I'll be there each week with a new art or craft technique for you to try if you get stuck for ideas. This group really is more about community, spending time together and making time for creativity in our busy lives.
Pay what you can (£5 suggested) and contact me to book your place
For more information visit http://www.annasfunkyart.co.uk/
Event Location
Anna's funky art
Telephone: 07867 795 503
Email: annasfunkyart@gmail.com
Website: http://www.annasfunkyart.co.uk/